We have created a public test in Apple’s Testflight programme to test the latest iOS version. You can join the test by clicking the following link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/DBo2auTo
New Publication
We have published a new publication. You can access it through “Publications” or by clicking the following link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374449104_Development_of_an_Enjoyable_Educational_Game_on_Fundamental_Programming_-Designing_for_Inclusion_and_Learning_Analytics
First Character Concepts
We have created the models of the games characters!
Revised Level Mockups
We have been working hard on making new concepts for the final style of the game’s levels. Those mockups will now be turned into 3D environments and implemented into the game.
First Prototype
We have created a first prototype with simple graphics to test with students. The general aim of this prototype is to see if the direction of the game is matching with what young learners are interested in in terms of learning content and immersion. We are now testing the prototype…