Mid Sweden University
Mid Sweden University (MIUN) has two campuses located in the middle of Sweden. The university runs about 480 courses and has 60 bachelor programmes. The university has 37 different programmes on advanced level. The university has around 25 000 students. MIUN has 105 professors, and 1200 employees work in Sundsvall and Östersund. The revenue is around one billion Swedish Crowns. The former department of Computer and system science, now the department of Communication, quality technique, and information systems, perform research within the area of technology enhanced learning with a special focus on online learning and blended learning. Within the department there is a research group that focuses on studies that concern game-based learning and programming in K12-schools.
Peter Mozelius (male), is an Associate Professor working as a Senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Communication, quality technique and information systems at the Mid Sweden University, in Östersund. He has worked with programming education during the last 25 years, with the roles of subject matter expert, instructional designer, and content developer. During the last years Peter has worked with courses on teacher professional development in computer programming for K-12 mathematics and technology. His research interests are in the fields of technology enhanced learning, game-based learning, and computer programming. He is also a regular member of the jury for the International Educational Games Competition, which is arranged as a part of the European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL).
Lisa Sällvin (female) – is a PhD student at the Department of Communication, quality technique and information systems at the Mid Sweden University, in Östersund. She teaches engineering and teacher students in technology and programming. Between 2014 and 2017 she ran a Coderdojo at the city library, and since 2016 she runs Geek Girl Sundsvall, a tech club for girls at the university’s makerspace. Lisa has also been a research engineer in projects with K-12 schools, e.g. in a study of student engagement in new learning environments, such as Minecraft Computercraft.
Niklas Humble (male) is a former PhD student in Computer and System Sciences at Mid Sweden University; working as Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Programme Co-ordinator for Digitalisation, Technologies, Media and Learning (DTML), and Pedagogical Development Consultant for Higher Education at the University of Gävle. Niklas got his PhD from Mid Sweden University in 2023 with the thesis “Programming in grade 7-9: Action possibilities and constraints from the perspective of mathematics and technology teachers”. His research interest includes Programming Education, Game-Based Learning, Design Science, Learning Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence. More about Niklas:
Ingenious Knowledge GmbH
Ingenious Knowledge prides itself in its ability to deliver cutting edge IT solutions and innovative approaches in education. When we look at the way that new generations grow up in a fast moving world we understand the new challenges that education is facing. At the same time we see the immense potential that today’s technology can bring. We believe that it’s time for modern education approaches to focus on the learners and cater to their specific needs through individualization.
The Ingenious Knowledge team is ready to handle these challenges and create high quality cutting-edge solutions. Our major strength is a tight integration of didactical expertise and technical skills. In order to offer advanced solutions we constantly improve our didactical and technological knowledge and skills. We engage in world class research in cooperation with universities and also participate in scientific conferences and publications. We also make sure that we can offer a wide variety of development, from secure server structures to integrated e-learning systems and apps on mobile devices.
Universidad Complutense Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) is one of the largest Universities in Spain and in Europe. The University comprises 21 schools plus 39 university research institutes, with more than 180 departments. Within UCM, the e-UCM research group is part of the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence SEAI) in the School of Computer Science. Specialized in Learning Technologies and e-learning, the group focuses on developing methods, techniques and tools to simplify the production and maintenance of standards-compliant educational applications and e-learning systems. It is involved in several projects on interactive systems applied to education (e.g. serious games and simulations). It also has strong research collaborations with relevant international research groups and Institutions where e-UCM participates in the development and deployment of games. This group has also an extensive experience in the application of games in the medical domain in universities and large research hospitals (Massachusetts General Hospitals –Boston-, Hospital Clinico.-Madrid-), carrying out large experiments with games in school settings (e.g. games for promoting classical theatre) and doing formal evaluation of games with real users. The e-UCM group has a broad research experience in the field of serious games use and deployment in schools such as, learning analytics and gamification techniques, covering different aspects and perspectives from their previous experience in Technology-Enhanced Learning. In particular, e-UCM is contributing with its expertise in Learning Analytics for games, assessment in serious games and educational game design (including the support for new educational standards such as xAPI). More info at https://www.e-ucm.es/
BALTASAR FERNANDEZ-MANJON received the PhD degree in physics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1996. He is a Full Professor of computer science and serious games at UCM and director of the e-UCM e-learning research group. He has the Telefonica-UCM chair in Digital Education and Serious Games. He is IEEE Senior Member and a member of the Spanish Technical Committee for Elearning Standardization (UNE CTN71/SC36). He is an expert in the applications of ICT in education and in serious games and educational simulations applied to different domains (e.g. medicine, education). He is also researching in game learning analytics and the application of e-learning standards to the integration of those technologies in e-learning systems.
ANTONIO CALVO MORATA received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2014 and 2017, and the Ph.D. degree in 2020. Since 2022 he has been an Assistant Professor at Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Department in Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He is an expert in the study of educational videogames and their application in schools, as well as the use of Learning Analytics techniques to improve their efficacy and their validation as an educational tool.
IVAN MARTINEZ ORTIZ He received a Bachelor degree in Computer Science (first in the Dean’s List “premio extraordinario”) and a Master and PhD in Computer Science from the UCM. He works as Associate Professor in the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been Lecturer in the Computer Science School at UCM in the Computer Science School at the Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II. He is an expert in e-learning technologies and the integration of educational modeling languages, serious games and e-learning standardization.
MANUEL FREIRE received the PhD degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2007. He performed a 2008 postgraduate Fulbright scholarship in the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL-UMD), working with Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant. Since 2013 he has been an Associate Professor at Complutense University of Madrid. He is an expert in Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, Serious Games, and Plagiarism Detection.