Here you can find a list of publications to download. All the publications have been created related to Code Quest and the Gaming4Coding project.

Mozelius, P., Pechuel, R., Fernández-Manjón, B., Kreuzberg, T., Humble, N., & Sällvin, L. (2023). Development of an Enjoyable Educational Game on Fundamental Programming: Designing for Inclusion and Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Game-Based Learning: ECGBL 2023. Academic Conferences and publishing limited. 

Mozelius, P., & Humble, N. (2023). Educational Game Design for Girls and Boys: Towards an Inclusive Conceptual Model for Learning Programming. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies10

Sällvin, L., Mozelius, P., & Humble, N. (2023). 3 Games 4 Coding–Do girls feel welcome?. In INTED2023 In Proceedings of the 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 4612-4620). IATED. 

Mozelius, P., & Humble, N. (2022). Design Factors for an Educational Game where Girls and Boys Play Together to Learn Fundamental Programming. In International Conference on ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation (pp. 134-148). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. 

Mozelius, P., Humble, N., Sällvin, L., Öberg, L. M., Pechuel, R., & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2022). How to get the girls Gaming: A Literature Study on Inclusive Design. In 16th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL 2022). Academic Conferences International Limited

On design of inclusive and enjoyable educational games- The Gaming4Coding concept – Abstract